Tuesday, 17 October 2017

1985 rainbow warrior gets bombed

In 1985 there was a ship called the rainbow warrior that was a protest against nuclear bombs and nuclear testing. To a lot of people, the rainbow warrior was a hero and a great success.
It was so successful we still know about it today. At the time the rainbow warrior was on its

Journey to stop the nuclear bombs they came across the French testing their bombs no uninhabited islands. The rainbow warrior was straight into the action ready to stop the French. They put the flags up as the sun fell just in case they reached the destination of the French at night time. the french dived under the boat and placed a bomb on the hull of the ship, And the hit was successful sinking the ship fast as a rock dropping from your palm. One crew member died from the explosion. His name was Fernando Pereira and he was the cameraman and they say that he was the only one awake at the time of the explosion. As the ship sunk the crew escaped and were saved and the French were caught red-handed. A couple of days later they ended up arresting secret service dgse agents as they were sentenced to ten years but they let out one other agent out after two years because she was pregnant and the other went back to France.

Monday, 16 October 2017

1981 spring box game

In 1981 there was a aparthied going on for 56 six days people described this crazy avent as a splitting of protesters and rugby supporters. The supoosed to be an amazing game tured into a violent scene and very quick as people had made sines saying no rasism here and also put on locel busses whites only. But the games still went on wich made the protester make a move and breaking the hitting women and injuring children. This avvent got so bad that the rugby supporter

Put a fence around the stadiam but the protesters riped it down and they also started droping flower bombes on the rugby field.

Friday, 30 June 2017

Programming Concepts 2

In class we have been demonstrate programming concepts and on the game code combat I was learning to use the while loop.
I can write code efficiently in class. I can also reflect on my strategy used for the code
in class and I can also add 2 files. The 'for' loop has become our friend and we are discovering that instead of writing code over and over we can write smart code or efficient code and that helps a lot.

Friday, 23 June 2017

programing consepts

I am using a python trinket to work out a challenge
we are learning to demonstrate the programing concepts we have also been using to make some
intresting desighns using python trinket. I am using python trinket to work out a maze challenge.
I can also use the for loop to write smart or efficient code.

This is what the code looks like
For i in range(0,3):
And this is what the challenge looks like

Friday, 9 June 2017

Working with python trinket

As a year seven student at Paroa school I am learning to use python and pygames to design a simple turtle game. I have also used trinket to work with the turtle game. I will learn how to import the turtle graphics and then programme the turtle to do various activities by creating variables. I will be using a python IDLE window to run my game.

Friday, 26 May 2017

class debate

Hi, I'm Alex and today I'm going to be telling you about my class debate.
A class debate is not easy at all because you have to make sure that you can cite your sources and make sure that your debate is strong and makes sense. normally in a debate your arguing against or with someone. there are two teams of four and there is a pro and a con side I'm always on the pro side I have not been on con yet. And in this debate, i was in pro. Now I will tell you about my class debate in this debate we all got put into to teams by the random name picker there were two teams that had the topic of boys or girls. I was on the boy's team and was happy with what Got after about five to ten minutes of waiting for the teams to be picked it was time to hook into the Chromebooks and get some research. I was talking about how boys deserve to win in the first place but that other team did not think so duh I was thinking in my head. Our team of the boys put up some good fights and some good words that made the other group feel burnt. Mate from theother team burnt Konnah three times I will talk about one Konnah said to mate site your sources and said I already did cause if you did not heat you must be death or something and he left Konnah speechless. Eventually the debate was coming to an end wich means my reflection is coming to an end thank you for reading my debate and I hope you enjoyed thank you

 from Alex the end

Friday, 24 March 2017

my debate reflection

This week we did a debate and it was so challenging because you would have to find evidence for what you gotto say the other team that you were against so they keep on asking you for your evidence and that really gets you on the line. You have to go onto a site that is not a .com or Wikipedia but the good thing is that you get a group #sonny and ollie. In debateing, you have got to have a really really strong point or you will be crushed like peanuts like peanut butter and make shore that when the other team is saying thair part you got to try make up a comeback.

I will post my debate soon

By alex

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

At first i thouhgt to my self what will hapen will i get injurd or will i get Scared well i tell you what it was non of them it was awsome that would be the only anwere for me because it was all adventer rapids team work and the awsome sights Of the cave itself the. In the cave i got to go with mate and his dad we helped each other Going through currents and more the cave had so many ways to go and they led to the same place there was even a bit that you went up and you could see everyone walking right beneath you. Now on to the currents at first the currents were easy to go through and then we started going up with made the current more stronger we got to what seemed to be a real challeng Witch came to team work the only thing that can get you throurgh most of things that you attemed and it worked. The curren was now litrelly lifting people of thair feet there was one point when the person helped me with going up the water falls had his hands full so i had to be strong so i attemded going up the water fall and at first i thought to myself i will never do this but all i had to thingk was this should be really really easy and you know it was easy as pie. Cavestream was So fun because no one through up on the way there was no one panneking and everyone listened to the ralls i hoped you liked it because thats the most you will get out of me about traveling