Monday, 16 October 2017

1981 spring box game

In 1981 there was a aparthied going on for 56 six days people described this crazy avent as a splitting of protesters and rugby supporters. The supoosed to be an amazing game tured into a violent scene and very quick as people had made sines saying no rasism here and also put on locel busses whites only. But the games still went on wich made the protester make a move and breaking the hitting women and injuring children. This avvent got so bad that the rugby supporter

Put a fence around the stadiam but the protesters riped it down and they also started droping flower bombes on the rugby field.

1 comment:

  1. connor here i like your blog about the springboks v allblack game becuase you were telling about what happen like the bombs droping on the field next maybe you could talk maybe a little bit more about the rugby game CONNOR G @ PAROA SCHOOL


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